0 2015年MBA复习备考:MBA阅读灵魂词汇之功能性词汇-管理类专硕辅导资料-考研辅导-时代博思·汕头橙啦-汕头考研培训·汕头公考辅导
联系电话:18924776010 肖老师
18125126010 陈老师




unimaginable, It is hard to believe/imagine …
  表示“重要”: important , critical , crucial, essential , fundamental , foremost , significant [意义重大], vital ,
  表示“不可缺少”: necessary , essential , indispensible , integral [强调组成整体中的一部分]
  * Kids are an integral part of a family.
  表示 “明显的”: obvious, apparent, clear , distinct , evident , manifest , # overt [公开的]
  表示 “复杂的”: complicated , complex , involved , sophisticated [强调因为技术精密而复杂]
  * a sophisticated telescope 精密复杂的望远镜
  表示 “有前景”: promising , potential , prospective
  表示“主要地,根本上地” mainly, basically, chiefly, essentially, primarily, principally,examda.com
  表示“仅仅,只不过”: only, just , merely, solely , no more than ,exclusively
  * He learned music solely for fun. 他学音乐只是为了开心。
  * He learned English exclusively by himself. 他的英语只是自学的。
  表示 “非常,很”: very , greatly ,awfully, badly, considerably , enormously, extremely,
  significantly, highly, radically, excessively [过渡地],
  # disproportionately[比例过大地],
  表示“大约” : about, approximately , around , or so ,
  some: Some 4000 people went to the show
  actually , as a matter of fact , in fact , in effect , practically, really, virtually
  表示“关于”:about, in regard to , respecting , on , with respect to ,
  in terms of(在…方面):China is great nation in terms of its history.
  表示“同时”: at the same time , in the meantime , meanwhile ,
  #simultaneously, synchronously
  表示“根据”:according to , based on ,
  in the light of : *In the light of the evidence, we are convinced that he is right.
  表示“暗示,线索”: clue , clew, hint , implication


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